Monday, November 5, 2012


A picture of Venus from space 
Discovered: Know one really knows who discovered Venus. When Galileo looked though his telescope he noticed that Venus had a visible disc and it had phases like the moon. He is considered that he discovered Venus.

 Named after: It was named after the Roman goddess Venus goddess of love and beauty.

Temperature: The average temperate is 464 C (867 F).

Diameter: 12103.6 km (7520.8 miles)

Made of: It is made of dried up lava and carbon dioxide and nitrogen

Can people live on Venus?: No. First of all the air is poison. There is hot lava is very,very hot. That is why people can not live on Venus.

1 comment:

  1. Tai, I learned something about Venus today from you. I knew it was hot, I just didn't know how very HOT it could get!
